Devil's Slide

Devil's Slide

Monday, November 23, 2009

Monday Morning Tour

Took off this morning at about 6:30. It was cold by San Diego standards. I believe in the 40s. I was layered up pretty good top and bottom, so no issues there. My face got a little cold at the start, but that subsided soon enough. I was set to do intervals as follows, 6 x 3mins 50-60 rpm with a 2 min rest. I decided to do these enroute on a ride up into Ramona. I've done these on the flats before and had to hold the brakes a little on some parts, so I thought I would just go up Scripps Poway Pkwy and do the intervals, then continue up into Ramona via Hwy 67. Everything worked except the rest periods, as I couldn't pick up the cadence any as I was climbing a 7-8% grade for a couple miles. I finished up the last couple sets on 67 going on up into Ramona. I continued out on Dye road and then turned around and went out Highland Valley Road and down onto Pomerado Road and back. Strange thing was once I got to Pomerado, I felt a little strange. I wasn't lacking energy, but just didn't have a way or feel like accessing it if that makes sense. I eventually, just started spinning in a lower gear and made my way back to the house, only about 5 miles away. I wasn't sure how long I was going to go this am so I took two bottles of water/heed. I ran out of gel packets, so I didn't take any. The ride took just over 2:30, so I guess I was at the beginning stages of bonking. I always seem to underestimate my efforts. Today was no different. These intervals, although they don't seem like much at the time, definitely take a toll on me. I have seen the benefits of the intervals (yesterday's climbs with NCCC), but riding another 30 miles after the intervals and without the gel/gu packets or some other form of calories wasn't too smart. I assumed the Heed would be enough, but wasn't. Today was the first day that I had a near miss with my nutrition. Luckily, I was pretty close to home and had some great food waiting for me.

I have been experimenting with different supplements and decided that Hammer Heed is great stuff and the gel/gu packets from Hammer are also good, as long as they are Vanilla or Expresso. Sports Beans also work pretty well and are nice for a change, but the gels work the best as far as convinience and energy. All of this stuff has electrolytes, so that is covered as well, although, I believe the heat of summer will require me to supplement with some form of electrolyte tablet, such as Hammer's Endurolytes. Funny, seems that Hammer has an answer for everything nutrition. Very convinient and fairly priced, so they've got my vote so far.

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